"Semi Okay Start" to the new painting year
January seems to be a month I always need to hurdle thru to get my painting routine back into its regular mode. December with the holidays blur into January and there always seems to be some sort of funky mood I find myself in. Any ways I have worked on an evening still life combo - self portrait that I painted several nights listening to David Bowie (in memorian), drinking and cursing. Felt good with the flood of memories of my youth. It is strange, but a year ago I was amidst the "Je suis Charlie" event and the passing of another hero legend of mine, Joe Cocker.
In the back of my mind this self portrait aspect of the painting is I am sure an imagery I had seen that Lucien Freud did of himself in a small mirror; as well as my friend Christy Gallagher did a similar one of herself. I am sort excited to look up their works and see the influence of their imagery they had on this painting I did. I've decided to call it, "Black Star and Self Portrait at 65". I will post it soon as a complete work.
Started a new work this week, 38 x 40, nice and juicy, sloppy with possibilities, daytime interior scene. I think the photo is day three of the process. My mind is racing with those possibilities and the painting time is nice and consuming. Ah peace! Just a day in my space and at the center is my Mom's chair that was hers for certain when they lived in North Carolina. Her evenings were spent in that chair sometimes with a bowl of ice cream and a cookie stuck in it. Her chair and her memory in my space and now what do I need to do to complete our narrative for you the viewer